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蔡瀾:黑刺最好吃!Ochee Durian : The Real King Of Durian !

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园主廖石乾先生,来自威南双溪堡 (Sungai Baong)
拥有41年的种植经验,栽种各种品种榴莲及本地水果。其中以得奖的“黑刺”榴莲占最多,其 “黑刺” 曾在2013年参加农业局主办的榴莲冠军果王赛会中,荣登 “冠中冠” 宝座。
 (槟城, 威南7月13日讯)慕名“黑刺”榴梿而来的香港美食作家蔡澜一亲芳泽惊喜若狂,赞不绝口,也停不了口,他一口气吃了超过十核的“黑刺”和“猫山王”,并形容这次是他吃过最好吃的榴梿。
You may have heard of Musang King durians often but there is one cross-bred species that is now being recognized by many real durian king. It's Ochee Durian . It is grown in  Sungai Baong (Seberang Prai Selatan ), Junjung and Relau (Kedah). The 56 -year old plantation co-owner, Mr Leow Cheok Kia , says that there are around 600 Ochee durian trees in these estates and  the oldest is around 29 years old.  In 2013 , Ochee durian from his farm was awarded King Durian amongst Durian Kings in a competition organized  by the Ministry of Agriculture.  This acknowledges that Ochee durian is recognized as  best amongst the best in the country!
Seni - Arts
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