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罗斯玛首次自辩否认索贿 反称应当控方证人指正助理
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Racial slurs cannot be accepted in our country, says Minister
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PN Melaka sedia berunding dengan UMNO, elak tiga penjuru
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Ngeri! Rebutan Lahan di Majalengka, Anggota DPRD Jadi Provokator
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Dun Melaka sah bubar, Ketua menteri boneka!, Mungkin perlu darurat di Melaka | SEKILAS FAKTA
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The priority is the people's health and the pandemic, says Zahid on Malacca polls
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#KiniNews: Zahid raises possibility of emergency in Malacca to postpone snap polls
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Malacca PN willing to negotiate with Umno to avoid three cornered fights in snap polls
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Keahlian Adun Telok Mas gugur secara automatik - PN Melaka
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Kakek 81 tahun Berhasil Mendaki Gunung Skotlandia untuk Istrinya yang Sakit
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Instagram, Facebook dan WhatsApp Down Gagal Diakses, Apa Kata Zuckerberg
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