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DADI SIJI - MIQBAL GA ft SISKA AMANDA Cover by Ferachocolatos ft. Gilang & Bala

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Song Writer : Miqbal GA
Vocal & Kentrung : Fera Chocolatos
Guitar : Gilang Jembell
Bass : Bala Pikachu
Gmail : [email protected]

Chord :
G A F(kress)m Bm Em F(kress) Bm B
G A F(kress)m Bm Em A D

G A F(kress)m Bm Em A D A

D A G A D G A F(kress)m Bm Em A

G A F(kress)m B Em F(kress) Bm B G A F(kress)m Bm Em A D

G A F(kress)m Bm Em F(kress) Bm B
G A F(kress)m Bm Em A D

Lirik :

Wes tak pasrahke kabeh karo gusti
Udane sore sing dadi saksi
Naliko kabeh iki tak lakoni ikhlas ati
Mugo gusti maringi dalan sing tak pingini

Dadi siji tekan tuo sesandingan
Ojo mung iso ninggalke kenangan
Arepo mengko nyowo iki uwis ilang salah siji
Rabakal ono sing iso ganteni

Pandongaku tekan tuo
Nganti sing misah ke nyowo
Kang mas aku percoyo
Koe ra gampang keno godo

Bebarengan jogo ati
Ojo ngasi ngelarani
Yo mung siji yo mung koe tekan mati

Dadi siji tekan tuo sesandingan
Ojo mung iso ninggalke kenangan
Arepo mengko nyowo iki uwis ilang salah siji
Ra bakal ono sing iso ganteni

Seko aku karo koe iso dadi awakdewe
Maturnuwun wis ngancani selama iki
Tak temokke kabeh bahagiaku sing tak karepke
Karo koe kabeh wes dadi takdir e
Karo koe kabeh wes dadi dalane

Don't forget to follow us :
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ferachocolatos/?hl=id
: https://www.instagram.com/balapikachu/?hl=id
: https://www.instagram.com/gilangjembell887/?hl=id
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@ferachocolatos
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/yuk.nah.58
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ferachocolatos

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