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Ismail Sabri: Should govt act against 'makcik goreng pisang'

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Implementing targeted subsidies to help those most in need is a complex matter, said Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

For example, while using subsidised palm oil in polybags is not allowed for commercial purposes, there are low-income earners who do have to resort to doing so to make a living, he said.

"The makcik (lady) who sells goreng pisang (banana fritters), they are not allowed to use (subsidised) cooking oil to sell goreng pisang, that is wrong.

"But are authorities supposed to fine the makcik or seize her oil?

"We would be accused of being cruel against the poor who are eking out a living. It is not as easy as ABC," Ismail Sabri told the Dewan Rakyat today.
TV Saluran - TV Channel
kinitv, malaysia, politics
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