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Kim Kardashian Reveals WHY She Shaded Enemies on Valentine's Day and Goes Back to Brunette

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Kim Kardashian reached a whole new level of savagery on Valentine’s Day, and now she’s opening up about why she shaded her haters so hard.
OMG you guys, the shade is REAL.
In case you don’t remember, Kim Kardashian became the definition of ‘petty’ on Valentine’s Day last month when she sent all of her enemies Kimoji Hearts perfumes. At the time, she shared a photo on Instagram with a list of exactly who she would be sending them out to. The list included Taylor Swift, Chloe Grace Moretz, Bette Midler and many, many more—all of whom have had beef with Kim at one point or another.
But now, around a month after the fact, Kim is finally opening up about why she did what she did, and it’s just as petty as we’ve always assumed. In a blog post titled “How I Deal with Haters,” Kim spoke a lot about rising above the hate, and trust us… she gets a lot of it.
Kim said, QUOTE, “When people say negative things about me, I try to take the high road most of the time. I always ask the questions: Will this affect me in a week? In a month? In a year? Usually the answer is no, but if it’s something that really bothers me, I’ll respond. If it’s going to make me feel better to say something, I have to do it.”
Well, it seems like Valentine’s Day was finally her time to respond to her enemies, and as savage as it truly was, we’d be lying if we said it wasn’t entertaining.
In that same blog post, Kim addressed exactly why she did it, saying, QUOTE, “It was my way of saying they can talk s**t about me if they want, but I’m going to keep doing me.”
And, speaking of doing her, it’s been a whole 6 months since Kim shocked us by dying her hair platinum blonde, and as we all know, just two weeks ago she switched it up again to a bright shade of bubblegum pink. We know it’s hard to keep up with Kim AND her hair, but FYI, she’s now back to her natural brunette locks. Say whaaat?
Ahead of the change, Kim captioned an Instagram post saying, QUOTE, “Gonna miss the pink,” leaving us all to wonder what she would do next, and to be honest, the fact that she went with something as simple as brunette was kind of shocking!
Anyways, while you’re getting used to Kim’s latest hair transformation, do you think sending those valentine’s to her haters were a good choice, or was it a new low, even for Kim? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and then click right over here to find out about the Kim’s bitmoji backlash. Thanks for watching Clevver News, I’m your host Drew Dorsey and I’ll see you next time.
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