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#KiniNews: Anwar's 'ignorance' slammed by LFL, Kit Siang demands apology from Annuar Musa

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[KiniNews] Lawyers for Liberty (LFL), a human rights NGO, has strongly criticised Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim for his apparent ignorance concerning proposed constitutional amendments on citizenship.

The organisation's director, Zaid Malek, has compared the premier's comments to the metaphorical scenario of an ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Zaid emphasised that the proposed amendments are not just heartless and cruel, but will also drastically increase statelessness.

In other news, Lim Kit Siang's legal representatives have issued a letter of demand to former Minister Annuar Musa, pertaining to allegations associated with the deadly racial riots of May 13, 1969.

Sangeet Kaur Deo, who serves as the lawyer for the veteran DAP member, confirmed that the legal notice was delivered to Annuar's residence yesterday afternoon.

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Kinitv, Malaysia, politics
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