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Miley Cyrus SLAMS Indiana Governor Over Gay Rights

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Miley Cyrus is putting the governor of Indiana on blast this week and we’ve got the full breakdown. So Miley Cyrus might not be the most politically active celebrity in Hollywood, but mess with people she cares about or an issue that’s close to her heart and she’ll have absolutely zero problem calling you out. Publicly. To her millions of fans – and before I jump into this story, I want to say, kudos to her for using her voice and influence here because this is a VERY important issue that we all need to be aware of. First up, let’s talk about the FACTS – today, the Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed INTO LAW Senate Bill 101 that prohibits state or local governments from substantially burdening a person’s ability to exercise their religion – unless the government can show that it has a compelling interest and that the action is the least-restrictive means of achieving it. Translation here for you guys – this law will allow business owners to deny services to gays and lesbians if they say that it’s for their own religious reasons.
Okay, now, let’s talk about Miley Cyrus. Miley hit Instagram yesterday to share this photo of Governor Pence with a caption that read this QUOTE: You’re an asshole GovernorPence. The only place that has more idiots than Instagram is in politics. Then she went on to thank her brother Braison for standing up for this cause adding QUOTE “we need more strong heterosexual men fighting for equality.” Following Miley’s post, #BoycottIndiana began trending online and even Hillary Clinton spoke out via twitter to say “Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today. We shouldn’t discriminate against people because of who they love.” Larry King also tweeted out to say “Indiana’s anti-gay “Religious Freedom” bill signed by Governor Pence is absurd and insulting. THIS IS 2015. Ridiculous.” Ashton Kutcher twteeted out to say “Indiana are you also going to allow Christian establishments to ban Jews from coming in? Or Vice Versa??? Religious Freedom? #OUTRAGE” Outrage, I could not have put it better. Like I said this is an issue we all need to be informed about, and to be 100 percent clear, I am not personally a political expert in any way, shape or form, but we are in the year 2015 and while I think we should all value our freedom to practice to religion, which I know I personally value more than anything else in my own life, it is absolutely preposterous to exploit the importance of religious freedom to discriminate against people. How is this different than any other forms of discrimination in this country’s past and how is this OKAY? And guess who else doesn’t think this is okay? The NCAA. The final games in the college basketball tournament are set to be played in Indiana but now the NCAA president Mark Emmert is issuing the organization’s concern as to how this legislation could affect student athletes and employees. And for the record, other massive companies have already threatened to take their business outside of the state. So there you have it guys. Now, I’d love to hear from you – what are your thoughts on this situation? Hit us up in the comments section and then click here to get some more Miely Cyrus scoop. I’m Joslyn Davis at Clevver headquarters have a great weekend!
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