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Visiting the Hockey Hall Of Fame in Toronto Canada

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Visiting the Hockey Hall Of Fame in Toronto Canada. There are certain things I miss about home more than others when traveling abroad. Aside from friends and family, I really miss hockey just as much as anything else.

To understand how important hockey is to Canadians you need to look at examples of sports fanatic nations around the world. Hockey in Canada is the equivalent of soccer in Brazil, rugby in New Zealand and/or cricket in India.

Ice hockey was invented in Canada and we're very proud of our national sport; however, the game has truly become global in recent decades, now being played quite seriously around the world.

Visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada allows you to get glimpse into a hockey mad nation by entering its finest and more sacred shrine.

Inside you'll find collections of both vintage and modern sweaters, goalie masks, player equipment (including helmets, skates, gloves,etc) and displays dedicated the the legends who have played the game over the years.

My favorite part was the interactive zones where I had a chance to shoot pucks at a video screen goaltender, put on a mask and gloves attempting to stonewall Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier, and call the game from the broadcast section.

A theme room, dedicated to the Montreal Canadiens dressing room - Canada's most accomplished professional NHL hockey team - allows to wander around and sit down feeling as though you are part of the team.

Finally, having a chance to view Lord Stanley's Cup (The Stanley Cup) is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close to one of sport's great trophies.

Overall, I highly recommend visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame even if you're not a fan of hockey or sports in general. It is a glimpse into the Canadian psyche as much as anything else.

When visiting Toronto checking out the Hockey Hall of Fame should be a high priority.

Today is a very exciting day for me. I'm back in Canada and I'm visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame. For those of you who don't know, hockey is almost like a religion in Canada. People go crazy over it. I'm as big of a hockey fan as there is so I can't wait to take you inside and show you around.

Upon entering you'll notice many displays including vintage and modern goalie masks.

Collections are gathered for both stars of today's and those from past eras.

Including Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Wayne Gretzky and Maurice 'Rocket' Richard.

One of my favorite areas was the interactive zone where I got to shoot pucks at a screen with a video game goalie.

I eventually even scored! YEAH!

After I fended off shots from Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier by putting on a glove and blocker

My favorite part was the broadcast room where I got to call the game. Nash in on two defenders, makes a sick dangle. Oooh, what a goal! The crowd goes crazy!

Visiting the Montreal Canadiens dressing room was simply cool.

And who could forget getting a glimpse at the Stanley Cup. My favorite team the Chicago Blackhawks won it all last year.

I spent the rest of my time wandering around admiring hockey jerseys and vintage gear from all over the world. It has truly become a global sport.

Overall, it was an awesome way for me to spend an afternoon back home in Canada.

This is part of our Travel in Canada series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Canadian culture, Canadian arts, Canadian foods, Canadian religion and Canadian people.

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All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
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