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After almost 4.5 years, today.. JEM AND Myself, We get to RC with Maurice.. all together as a family! Jem is driving her Axial SCX10 2 Pink Bronco, Maurice is driving his Traxxas TRX4 Sport, and I am driving an original Axial SCX10 4x4 Pickup Truck, with a Pitdog Hydro Dodge 1500 body. Let's hit the backyard trail course, Together!
Ever since I was a young lad, I always wondered if I was going to have a family where we all played together. Today, that dream was realized. For 4.5 years we have been working on our best build yet. Our Son :) He is built to exceed us in every, if he makes the right choices.. and has a head on his shoulders. He is showing great promise as an Radio Control Hobby Fanatic. These are some of the building blocks of a growing mind. He is certainly out wheeling me already.. Im not sure if its the awesome truck he has (the TRX4 Sport is exceptionally capable with no mods), or beginners luck.. or truly, he is starting to understand. I think all three are at play.
Jem is driving "Candy".. her pink Bronco. This Axial SCX10 2 was built by her and she is still getting used to how it handles. Jem has never been on the backyard trail course since we have modified everything.. so it is extra difficult. I think she a great job on the course, and wheels like any amazing RC Queen should! Like a Boss..
For me, I am running my older 4x4 truck called "The Beast". This truck has been with me for almost 9 years and hase morphed into almost every model of manufacturer possible. Ford, Dodge, Jeep, Chevy, the list goes on and on.. I am running Boom Racing Hustler Tires, and KRAiT Bead lock wheels.
The hobby of Radio Control is more than a hobby for me. It is a lifestyle, as silly as that may sound. But I get a lot of #joy, #happiness, #creativity, #relaxation and #friends / #family time.. What more can a person ask for? #Proudparenting
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Kereta - Car
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