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Chifa: Eating Peruvian Chinese food in Lima, Peru

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Chifa, what is referred to as Peruvian Chinese food in Peru, is one of the culinary highlights of Lima. With over 6000 Chifa restaurants in Lima alone you won't be hard pressed to find a place to eat. Aside from Chinatown, you can consider Miraflores where we had our meal. We ended up ordering a huge sampling of food. Below you'll find the complete list:
Wantan Frito (fried wontons)
Chi Jau Kay o Tipakay (chicken in chop suey sauce)
2 Chaufa de Pollo (chicken friend rice with egg)
Chancho Cruyoc (dulce) (sweet and sour pork)
Sopa Wantan de Pollo (wanton soup with chicken)
Enrollado Primavera (deep-fried spring rolls)
Chifa: Eating Peruvian Chinese food in Lima, Peru Travel Video Transcript:
So for today's lunch in Lima we are going to be having Chifa. And that is basically Chinese food with a Peruvian twist. So you know how we always visit a country maybe even Canada or the US and you go to a Chinese buffet and you're like mmmm this is delicious and then you go to China and you can't find any of the dishes you had at a Chinese buffet. That is because Chinese food really varies from one country to the next because incorporate you know their spices and their cooking styles. So Peruvian Chinese food is quite distinct. We're going to be eating Chifa which literally means to eat rice. So yeah, we've ordered a lot of food that is going to be coming soon and it should be interesting. Peruvian Chinese food.
So our appetizers have arrived. They sure have. And I'm just dividing up the wanton soup. We got chicken wontons. Actually no, we have pieces of chicken here. I'm not sure what is inside the wantans. That is going to be a surprise. So it is chicken plus wontons. Yeah, we're sharing because we ordered a lot of food and I have a feeling I may not be able to finish all of this myself.
Okay, so Sam is going to begin with the wanton soup over there. Yes, and if there is one dish that we always tend to order when we get Chinese food, basically anywhere in the world, if wanton soup is on the menu we're ordering it. So I can't wait to try this. These are huge wantons. That is a huge noodle. It is like spilling over the spoon. Yeah. Don't burn yourself.
Yeah, that is a good wanton. Yeah, I'm guessing the filling might have some pork and a little bit of vegetables inside of it. Yeah, and the soup has lots of slices of chicken. Yes, want to show us those?
Wow! I've never had spring rolls with a lemon sauce and I have to say I like it even more than a soy or a plum sauce.
And let's see. What else do we have here. What are these? Because if our wanton soup wasn't enough we also got deep-fried wantons.
So we are now making our way over to the mains. Yes, this is called Chancho Cruyoc or as we call it in English sweet and sour breaded pork.
Okay, next up we've got a breaded chicken dish. What is that one called? So this one is Chi Jau Kay.
Okay. Yeah, so it is like breaded chicken kind of like with a chop suey sauce. It is very light it doesn't have a strong flavor and it is kind of a thicker sauce as well. And I do like it. You can really taste the chicken. The fried breaded chicken. So yeah, I think this is the type of dish that works for most people. You know, easy to like. If you like fried chicken you're probably going to like this.
So next up. And no Chifa meal would be complete without fried rice. So we have something called chaufa de pollo. And here is the pollo. You can see the pieces of chicken.
That is good. Yeah?
Oh, yeah. You can really taste the chicken. There is also a bit of fried egg and a little bit of spring onions cut up in there too. Let's have a closer look at that.
Alright, so what did you think of Chifa?
Chinese food in Peru. Absolutely loved it. Love Chinese Peruvian food. I think it is some of the best Chinese food I've ever had anywhere. And it just has a very strong influence. There was a lot of Chinese immigrants who came from the province of Guangdong and they brought their cuisine over here. And over time it has become a fusion cuisine with Peruvian influences. So I absolutely love it.
And here is a fun fact. In Lima alone there is over 6000 Chifa restaurants. So anywhere you are in this city you can get Chifa. Obviously, one of the best places to get Chifa is Chinatown but you can be anywhere in the city. We're having our meal here in Miraflores. So you can be anywhere in Lima and you can find yourself some awesome authentic Chinese Peruvian food.
This is part of our Travel in Peru series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Peruvian culture, Peruvian arts, Peruvian foods, Peruvian religion, Peruvian cuisine and Peruvian people.
We feature Comida Peruana, Cocina Peruana and Comida Chifa in this video.
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All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
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