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Harry Styles Gets Hit With Water Bottle In Crotch!

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Yikes, Harry Styles falls victim again but this time to a water bottle. Directioners I have all your details right here on Clevver News.
Clearly Rihanna songs S&M has a lot of Directioners confused. Pain is not they way to every mans hearts ladies. Some need love and affection. And from the look on Harrys face when he got hit between the legs with a water bottle I think he agrees with me.
The Story of Harry Styles life! Ouchhh, he is always getting hit with something on stage! From tampons, to redbull cans, to bras and now even a water bottle!
And at a recent One Direction gig, Harry Styles was having some fun by messing around with his fans by spraying the crowd with water when all of a sudden! BAM! he suffered another embarrassing mishap when a flying water bottle hit him between the legs. Which caused him to bend over in pain. Poor thing! Take a look
Ouch that looked like it hurt. This is just the latest in a string of painful accidents for the brit during 1D’s latest world tour. Not even a week earlier, Harry suffered a minor injury when a fan attempted to get the attention of the singer by throwing a can of Red Bull.
This brings me to the lesson of the day! Ladies if you want to win over Harrys heart stop hurting him! I know you want to grab his attention and all so that he will notice you, but once he does he will always remember you as the girl that physically hurt him. If you want to throw something at him throw a teddy bear, or a pillow, just something really soft! For all you other non throwing hard stuff at Harry directioners do you agree with me? Let me know in the comments below and tweet me at jackie iadonisi some items that are safer to throw at Harry unlike a water bottle. Then after that click right over here to check out 9 things you may not have known about Harry. Thanks so much for hanging out with me here on Clevver News if you had a good time make sure you like this video and subscribe until next time I'm Jackie Iadonisi have an awesome weekend!
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