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Justin Bieber Claims Selena Cheated On Him With Zayn?

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You know the story… Justin was posting photos with his new boo, Sofia Richie… The photos were getting hate- he then spoke out saying he’d make his instagram private if it didn’t stop… AND THAT turned into Selena Gomez (You know, his ex that he famously dated forever) weighing in on the drama… It all seemed to nearly be over after a few low blows about using each other for fame… but after Sel publicly accused Justin of cheating… HE decided to FIRE BACK.
Bieber is accusing Gomez of cheating on him with Zayn (who is now dating Gigi Hadid) this is coming from a second round of viral screenshots form Justin’s instagram that showed Justin writing QUOTE: “I cheated.. oh I forgot about You and Zayn?”
Soooo could it possibly be true?? Did they both cheat??? OR are these just LOW blows to hurt each other??? WHO KNOWS, but I guess now I can throw all hope that the two were getting back together out the window!
MY FRIENDS… It doesn’t end there…Because Hailey Baldwin who also USED to date the Biebs, also felt the need to express herself, taking to her instagram amid news of Justin’s new romance with Sofia Richie…
The model warned people to not “misplace blame”… Leading all of us to believe she’s team Selena writing: "We've all had our fair share of things we've done, both good and bad. What makes the present so powerful is when we take complete responsibility for our actions, we allow ourselves self-growth, misplacing the blame onto someone else isn't going to get you to the next stage in life. so try not to manipulate a situation to make yourself look better."
The note continued, "No matter how much better off someone may seem, we are all humanly flawed in our own ways, but also share the same endless potential to be better than we used to be."
So although this heartfelt note seems to rise above it all, it somehow also threw Hailey in the thick of the drama… THAT OR she might NOT even be talking about the WHOLE JELENA Situation… BUT given their past.. They cryptic message in my eyes is indeed referring specifically to Justin and Selena…
I’ve gotta say, and this is for ALL OF YOU… If you don’t want to deal with the drama… Re-think the things you are posting for the world TO SEE.
ANYWAYS… I do want to know what all of y’all are thinking about the newest developments in the Justin VS Selena instagram drama… Do you think Sel did in fact hook up with Zayn AND what do you think about Hailey’s Instagram post… get to talking in the comment section below, subscribe to our channel, then click here to hear about 10 of the messiest celebrity divorces… I’m Ryland Adams, Thanks for hanging, see you soon!
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