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Khloe Kardashian Celebrates Name Change With EPIC Cake

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Khloe Kardashian has officially broken free from her previous married last name, so what better way to make it OFFICIALLY official than by throwing a good ol’ post-divorce party?
The saying generally goes ‘New year, new me’, but Khloe Kardashian couldn’t be happier to be back to her ‘old’ self this year.
There’s always a reason to celebrate in the Kardashian household, and the most recent reason being the long-awaited-post-divorce-name-dumping of Khloe Kardashian-no-longer-Odom. Just over two months after her divorce with Lamar Odom was finalized following their seven-year marriage, Khloe found herself in need of a new passport, which coincidentally happened to be the perfect time to also finalize dropping the final thing she and Lamar still shared.
Courtesy of Khloe’s assistants, the celebration was documented via Snapchat with a giant cake in the form of a new license, specifically made for Khloe, featuring her old last name, her weight AKA ‘skinny bitch’, and her address on ‘Freedom Lane’…
Kim Kardashian was also present to help document the changing-of-the-name ceremony by Snapchatting Khloe blowing out her candles and, in classic Kardashian nature, the sisters managed to also entertain us by cracking a few not-safe-for-work jokes…
But one thing fans did not find as funny was the fact that they believed Kim outed Khloe by flaunting her real address all over the interwebs when she scanned over the cake, which showed the address ’13 Freedom Lane, Calabasas, California… Ok, so I may have slightly freaked out, too, when first seeing the address, but come on guys: FREEDOM Lane was clearly just humorous jab at the fact that Khloe is finally free from harboring any last name but her own.
It’s good to know that fans are only looking out for the famous family, but it apparently got so out of hand, that Kim was forced to clear the air via Twitter, writing QUOTE, “I did not just show Khloe's address on my snap chat! It says Freedom Lane people!!! It's a joke!”
So I don’t know about you guys, but ‘Khloe Kardashian’ sure has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? But I’m dying to hear all your thoughts on Khloe’s hilarious cake and this odd-but-liberating reason to celebrate, so hit us up in the comments below and be sure to hit that subscribe button for all the latest updates. Thanks for watching Clevver News, I’m your host Jackie Iadonisi and I’ll see you next time.
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