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#KiniNews: 'Najib claims Arab donation to thwart attempt to topple govt'; Continue assault probe-LFL

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[KiniNews] Najib Abdul Razak claimed he initially kept part of the US$681 million of alleged Arab donation in 2013 to thwart another attempt by the opposition to topple the government, the Kuala Lumpur High Court heard today.

MACC investigating officer Nur Aida Arifin confirmed excerpts of a 2018 MACC statement recorded from the former prime minister during the anti-graft watchdog investigation into the 1MDB affair after the 14th general election earlier that year.

Meanwhile, in a separate story, Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) has called on the police to continue with their investigation into the allegation that a bodyguard of a royal assaulted a disabled person.

“The government must ensure there is no interference with the investigation. The integrity of our laws and its enforcers are at stake and any misstep will surely lead to a complete mistrust in the administration of justice in our country,” said LFL director Zaid Malek.

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