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#KiniNews: No point returning to irrelevant party - Annuar; 'Calls for Hannah Yeoh to resign unfair'

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[KiniNews] Former BN secretary-general Annuar Musa has questioned the relevance of returning to Umno, deeming the party irrelevant and damaged by its leaders.

"We need to ask ourselves why we need to support a party that is clearly damaged by its leaders, irrelevant, and rejected by the public," said the former Ketereh MP.

Annuar's statement came after Umno supreme council member Jalaluddin Alias said the party was ready to accept leaders and members who were removed after the last general election.

Meanwhile, in a separate story, calls for Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh to resign over a government contract awarded to her husband’s company are unfair, said Deputy Communications Minister Teo Nie Ching.

“I think she (Yeoh) will cooperate with any type of investigation but the question is whether it is appropriate for her to resign. I think it is too early,” said Teo in a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.

She was responding to a call by United for the Rights of Malaysians Party (Urimai) chairperson P Ramasamy for Yeoh to resign.

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