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Miley Cyrus SUED for $300 MILLION for Copying "We Can't Stop"

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Miley Cyrus could end up being hundreds of millions of dollars poorer all thanks to a recent lawsuit. Jamaican musician Michael May is suing the former Disney Channel star and Sony Music, the company that owns record label RCA, for — wait for it — $300 million because he claims her 2013 hit song, “We Can’t Stop,” is a ripoff of his tune, “We Run Things,” which came out in 1988.
In the suit, the man claims MiCy stole his QUOTE “unique and creative lyrical phraseology in order to establish an overarching and pervasive theme … in the realm of self-discovery and self-governings.”
The reggae artist’s song in question has the lyrics “We run things / Things no run we” and sounds like this:
And, as you probably know, Miley croons “We run things / Things don’t run we” in “We Can’t Stop”
Michael isn’t saying that the songs are exactly the same, but rather that Miley’s single QUOTE “owes the basis of its chart-topping popularity to and its highly-lucrative success to plaintiff May’s protected, unique, creative and original content.”
The defendant also reportedly won “formal copyright protection” for all musical arrangements in “We Run Things” after seeking protection from the U.S. Copyright Office November 2017
According to his complaint filed with the U.S. District Court in Manhattan on Tuesday, the man wants all sales, distribution and performances of “We Can’t Stop” to stop until the case is settled.
This isn’t the first time Miley has been hit with, or at least involved in, a lawsuit, however. A woman tried to sue her for $4 billion for that infamous eye-slant picture that came out years ago, but a Los Angeles judge eventually dismissed the case.
A few years later, the company that made many of the Bangerz Tour‘s sets and props was sued by a construction worker who claimed he was injured after he fell and hurt himself as he was making a giant slide shaped like a tongue, which the blonde used every night on stage. We also can’t forget about her fake booking agent who allegedly stole $125,000 from a concert promotion company.
$300 million dollars is a LOT of money and although Miley’s dealt with legal drama before, I’m sure it’s still as stressful as ever. You heard clips from both of the songs -- do you think Michael has a valid argument in his lawsuit? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and then click here to find out why fans are currently praising Harry Styles as a bisexual icon. I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr thanks so much for watching Clevver and I’ll see you next time.
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