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Harry Styles Surprises Fan By Buying Her Entire Family Dinner After Random Encounter

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Harry Styles is a real class act on stage and off stage! He did the sweetest thing for a fan over the weekend so hold onto your chest ladies because your heart just might fall out!
Jut imagine this for a second…you are sitting down with your family at a restaurant and you see Harry Styles not only do you get a selfie with him but on his way out he pays for your family’s entire meal! Yes that happened in real life. dreams do come true…right Sophia!
Sophia is the young girl who’s dreams came true last night when she encountered Harry and she shared the whole experience on twitter.
She tweeted saying “I just met Harry what the f*, I met Harry I’m sobbing.
"Harry paid for our food - the manager of the restaurant came up to our table and told us Harry paid for our dinner. Harry literally paid for our dinner.
and not only did he pay for the dinner he gave plenty of hugs and even shook her fathers hand! As if we would expect any less from the poster!
Sophia went on to say “Harry was so nice he shook my dad’s hand and talked to him and my little sister saw him and ran into his arms and he leaned down to hug her.
"I hugged Harry like four times and my parents didn’t get it on video but his hugs are the best."
Wow I can feel her excitement through the tweets! Can you say cuteness overload!
Harry fans here is a tip you want to be like Sophia a.k.a a pleasant encounter vs a not so pleasant encounter that Harrys sister just spoke out about! Harrys sister Gemma just talked about an experience with a fan that completely crossed the line! She said that a fan actually tried to take a picture with Harry at their Grandmothers funeral! she said quote
"Some people might need to take a second and realize when behavior just gets weird. You know who you are."
Man people can be ruthless! So #belikesophia
Ok friends now I want to hear from you. What would you do if Harry himself gave you the biggest hug ever and showed your entire family so much love!? Hit the comments below or hit me up on my socials at Jackie Iadonisi. and when you are done with that you have to click here to check out Zayns I heart radio performance last night. It was amazing! Thanks for hanging out with me today guys! Have a great Monday!
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