Seramai 82 individu sudah dipanggil untuk dirakam percakapan bagi membantu siasatan kes seorang banduan tahanan lelaki yang meninggal dunia di Penjara Taiping dipercayai dipukul warden pada 17 Januari lalu.
Pemangku Ketua Polis Perak, Deputi Komisioner Zulkafli Sariaat berkata, mereka yang dipanggil terdiri daripada dua pegawai penjara dan 80 banduan.
Beliau turut mengesahkan menerima beberapa laporan polis berhubung kejadian itu daripada Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Taiping sejak 17 Januari lalu namun belum ada tangkapan dibuat setakat ini. -MGPerak
As the video platform of Malaysia's leading online news portal, we deliver authentic, fact-checked reports covering a wide range of topics: national news, international developments, human-interest stories, politics, economics, educational contents and everything happening in the country and beyond.
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Pemangku Ketua Polis Perak, Deputi Komisioner Zulkafli Sariaat berkata, mereka yang dipanggil terdiri daripada dua pegawai penjara dan 80 banduan.
Beliau turut mengesahkan menerima beberapa laporan polis berhubung kejadian itu daripada Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Taiping sejak 17 Januari lalu namun belum ada tangkapan dibuat setakat ini. -MGPerak
As the video platform of Malaysia's leading online news portal, we deliver authentic, fact-checked reports covering a wide range of topics: national news, international developments, human-interest stories, politics, economics, educational contents and everything happening in the country and beyond.
Stay informed with our in-depth coverage, exclusive interviews, and insightful analyses designed to keep you connected to the pulse of the nation. Subscribe to MalaysiaGazette now for daily updates and never miss the stories that matter most to you.
#malaysiagazette #mgtv #malaysiagazetteperak #MGPerak
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- malaysiagazette, mgtv, MGNews
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