Will they make it to air? They have 90 minutes to get their shit together, or the network is pulling the plug.
Don’t miss Gabriel LaBelle, Willem Dafoe, J.K. Simmons and many, many others in Jason Reitman’s Saturday Night movie.
Enjoy the first 8 and a half of those 90 minutes now, and watch the other 81 and a half minutes in the comfort of your home.
Buy or rent now: bit.ly/BuySaturdayNight
Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/SonyPicsSubscribe
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At 11:30pm on October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television – and culture – forever. Directed by Jason Reitman and written by Gil Kenan & Reitman, Saturday Night is based on the true story of what happened behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live. Full of humor, chaos, and the magic of a revolution that almost wasn’t, we count down the minutes in real time until we hear those famous words…
Directed by:
Jason Reitman
Written by:
Gil Kenan & Jason Reitman
Produced by:
Jason Blumenfeld, Peter Rice, Jason Reitman, Gil Kenan
Executive producers:
Erica Mills, JoAnn Perritano
Scored by:
Jon Batiste
Gabriel LaBelle
Rachel Sennott
Cory Michael Smith
Ella Hunt
Dylan O’Brien
Emily Fairn
Matt Wood
Lamorne Morris
Kim Matula
Finn Wolfhard
Nicholas Braun
Cooper Hoffman
Andrew Barth Feldman
Kaia Gerber
Tommy Dewey
Willem Dafoe
Matthew Rhys
J.K. Simmons
#SaturdayNightMovie #SaturdayNight #SaturdayNightLive #SonyPictures #SonyPicturesHomeEntertainment #GabrielLaBelle #RachelSennott #CoryMichaelSmith #EllaHunt #DylanOBrien #EmilyFairn #MattWood #LamorneMorris #KimMatula #FinnWolfhard #NicholasBraun #CooperHoffman #AndrewBarthFeldman #KaiaGerber #TommyDewey #WillemDafoe #MatthewRhys #JKSimmons #JasonReitman #GilKenan #JonBatiste
Don’t miss Gabriel LaBelle, Willem Dafoe, J.K. Simmons and many, many others in Jason Reitman’s Saturday Night movie.
Enjoy the first 8 and a half of those 90 minutes now, and watch the other 81 and a half minutes in the comfort of your home.
Buy or rent now: bit.ly/BuySaturdayNight
Subscribe to Sony Pictures for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/SonyPicsSubscribe
Follow Us on Social:
At 11:30pm on October 11, 1975, a ferocious troupe of young comedians and writers changed television – and culture – forever. Directed by Jason Reitman and written by Gil Kenan & Reitman, Saturday Night is based on the true story of what happened behind the scenes in the 90 minutes leading up to the first broadcast of Saturday Night Live. Full of humor, chaos, and the magic of a revolution that almost wasn’t, we count down the minutes in real time until we hear those famous words…
Directed by:
Jason Reitman
Written by:
Gil Kenan & Jason Reitman
Produced by:
Jason Blumenfeld, Peter Rice, Jason Reitman, Gil Kenan
Executive producers:
Erica Mills, JoAnn Perritano
Scored by:
Jon Batiste
Gabriel LaBelle
Rachel Sennott
Cory Michael Smith
Ella Hunt
Dylan O’Brien
Emily Fairn
Matt Wood
Lamorne Morris
Kim Matula
Finn Wolfhard
Nicholas Braun
Cooper Hoffman
Andrew Barth Feldman
Kaia Gerber
Tommy Dewey
Willem Dafoe
Matthew Rhys
J.K. Simmons
#SaturdayNightMovie #SaturdayNight #SaturdayNightLive #SonyPictures #SonyPicturesHomeEntertainment #GabrielLaBelle #RachelSennott #CoryMichaelSmith #EllaHunt #DylanOBrien #EmilyFairn #MattWood #LamorneMorris #KimMatula #FinnWolfhard #NicholasBraun #CooperHoffman #AndrewBarthFeldman #KaiaGerber #TommyDewey #WillemDafoe #MatthewRhys #JKSimmons #JasonReitman #GilKenan #JonBatiste
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