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What Happened To Hanna In The Pretty Little Liars 7x01 Premiere? Plus MORE Movie Rumors

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The season 7 premiere of Pretty Little Liars aired last night on Freeform and we have all the juicy details right here on Clevver Newsfeed

Were the liars able to “Save Hanna?” Before we dive in just be aware there will be some major PLL spoilers from last nights episode ahead! Proceed with caution!

First and foremost we can all breath a huge sigh of relief because Hanna is alive! So did the liars end up saving Hanna? Um.. kinda sort of.. maybe? Seriously though poor Hanna probably got it the worst in the dollhouse and now in the premiere of Season 7 she was just straight up deranged Sarah Harvey cave woman style in her Hanes panties.

But Hanna did escape her torture chamber thanks to a “hallucination of Spencer” telling her if there is a way in there has gotta be a way out. Of course there was a way out, but that way lead her right to the hood of Mary Drakes car. Literally. We also have to give major props to Caleb. He was a man on a mission trying to get Hanna back and he was stopping at nothing! He handed over the red jacket as evidence and after throwing Spencer some major shade earlier in the episode I think its safe to say Caleb has a number one and it was always Hanna. Haleb has my heart always.

But the real thing we have to focus on guys is the fact that everyone is saying, “This is the end of PLL as we know it.” What does that mean!? Will it continue but not with everyone? Will it end for good after season 7? Or, my favorite theory, will there be a movie!?

According to E! News Troian Bellisario loves that idea saying, “"My God, it would be a blast! We would shoot in Italy and London...She'd be traveling constantly. She'd be time traveling to the past, and it's an amazing show....I just described, like, Outlander...The Spencer show, it's a mixture of Girls and Outlander."

Shay’s idea is just as intriguing; she would love to see Emily as the lesbian version of the Bachelorette. And Lucy Hale says, “"I think there's so many areas of Aria that haven't been explored. She went away to Iceland before the show even started, so like, why was she there?" Exactly Lucy! We are all wondering the same thing! And of course the legend herself Marlene King says, "I love the idea of keeping some characters, who are alive, and maybe doing a spinoff or possibly a movie, but I feel like it's time for us to end this story we started 7 years ago."

So my PLL Army, with all that said and our brains twisting all around yet again! I want to know what you thought of the season 7 premiere. Do you want to see a movie? A spinoff? Or are you ready for it to end? Seriously let me know your thoughts in the comment section below or tweet me @MegLamontagne because I’m dying to talk about this! After that click right over here to watch the PLL cast play kiss and tell! Thanks so much for watching, I’m your host Meghan Lamontagne and I’ll catch you later!

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