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WTF! Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande Leaked Photos!?

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WTF! Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande Leaked Photos!?
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Every other day It seems like new photo-shopped pics create some sort of ruckus on the web & all I can think is... 1.) This is getting old... 2.) celebs have feelings & 3.) Why is this happening?

I mean okay take a look at this one of Demi... Come on. Her tattoos aren't even right. Demi tweeted in response: "I am strong. I'm a fighter. Don't underestimate me."

OK, so Biebs and Austin have been recording a new track and working late nights, getting closer, but really? Come on... This is Fake with a capitol F. Where does the brim of Justin's hat go?

Now, Ariana totally had a sense of humor abut her fake pic, tweeting "so I'm pregnant, my nudes leaked... thanks about the april fools joke,"

Stars: They're just like us... they can get hurt or embarrassed! So next time you're thinking about making a fake photo that could do some damage, try using your talents for something awesome instead.

So what do you guys think about all these fake photos? You think they're funny or are you kind of grossed out?
TV Saluran - TV Channel
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