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8 BEST & Worst Jimmy Kimmel Moments At 2017 Oscars

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Let’s relive Jimmy Kimmel’s best and worst hosting moments at the 2017 Oscars!
There were tourists, politics, candy, and Matt Damon.
There’s nothing like your first time. Jimmy Kimmel hosted the 2017 Academy Awards for the very first time, right across the street from his daily talk show on Hollywood Blvd.
Jimmy’s first WORST moment came at the start of the show right after Justin Timberlake opened with an energetic performance of “Can’t Stop The Feeling”.
Thankfully, Jimmy’s joked got a lot better from there. The host didn’t get through the opening monologue without a jab at President Donald Trump saying, “I want to say thank you to President Trump. Remember last year when it seemed like the Oscars were racist?” Jimmy followed that up with another one of his best lines of the night with a nod to two of the Best Picture nominees.
A couple hours into the show Jimmy was worried about the radio silence on Twitter from usually vocal President Trump. In another best moment Jimmy live tweeted at Trump writing, “Hey @realdonaldtrump u up?” The host couldn’t help himself and brought actress Meryl Streep into the conversation adding hashtag, “#Merylsayshi”.
1 Justin Timberlake joke WORST
2 Trump joke in monologue BEST
3 Black people saved NASA BEST
4 Tweeting at Donald Trump BEST
5 Matt Damon feud- announcer- orchestra BEST
6 OJ joke WORST
7 Candy, cookies, donuts BEST
8 Tour bus BEST
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