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Amy Schumer & Emily Ratajkowski ARRESTED At Kavanaugh Protest

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Alright, you guys. If you’ve been keeping up with the news lately, you know that just last week, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford bravely came forward with sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
In response to the hearing, Americans all over the country, and particularly women, were understandably infuriated by Kavanaugh’s behavior, as described by Dr. Ford. Well, now that the FBI Investigation on him is complete and key voters don’t seem to be changing their minds, protesters are taking to the streets to stand firm in their belief that Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. And yes, that includes some very well-known celebs.
Amy Schumer, for example, went out to D.C. this week to join protestors and make her voice heard. According to TMZ, Amy was protesting inside of the senate building when a police officer walked up to her and asked her if she wanted to be arrested. While holding up a “We Believe Anita Hill” sign, Amy said yes.
But wait, the drama didn’t end there! TMZ also added that later on in the day, Amy was, QUOTE, “seen in a lineup against a wall, where she and others, including Emily Ratajkowski, were being detained.” Say whaaat?!
You heard that correctly, folks! A Capitol Police spokeswoman told TheWrap that 293 individuals were arrested for unlawfully demonstrating in the atrium of the Senate building. All were charged with, QUOTE, “Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding,” so it can be assumed that Amy and Emily were part of that group. As a result, they will be charged a $50 fine for the misdemeanor offense
Following her arrest, Emily took to Twitter to update her followers on the arrest. She posted a photo of herself holding a sign that said, QUOTE, “Respect female existence or expect our resistance.” She then captioned the photo by saying, QUOTE, “Today I was arrested protesting the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault. Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.” Wow… you go, Emily!
On the other hand, it seems like Amy was sort of… expecting a run-in with the law. In a video message for a fellow marcher’s daughter, Amy warned that she and the girls’ mom might get arrested. See?
Well, now that I’ve filled you in, how do YOU feel about Amy and Emily getting arrested while protesting Kavanaugh? As always, let us know all of your thoughts in the comments section below. I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr. and I’ll see you next time!
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