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Taylor Swift Talks Heartbreak & Harry Styles Lyrics

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Taylor Swift opens up to Elle magazine admitting that she's never fallen in love before.
As much as we would all like to think that Taylor Swift is a falling-in-love, serial dating type of gal, according to Tay Tay herself we all couldn't be MORE wrong. In fact, in the new issue of Elle, Taylor is admitting that she has never, ever fallen in love before. She said "It's magical if you ask anyone who has ever fallen in love—it's the greatest. Now I have more of a grasp on the fact that when you're in a state of infatuation and you think everything that person does is perfect, it then—if you're lucky—morphs into a real relationship when you see that that person is not in fact perfect, but you still want to see them every day...I've never had that"
She also says in the mag that she believes that the idea of happily ever after doesn't exist in real life and that she doesn't see herself quote "riding off into the sunset because the cameras keep rolling in real life."
Taylor did open up a little about her inspiration for some of the songs on 1989, (cough cough Harry Styles) and specifically Clean saying that since it was one of the last songs she wrote for the album you can pretty much tell where she ended up mentally adding that she wrote the track as she was walking out of Liberty in London after she had realized she had been in the same city of someone she used to date for weeks and hadn't even thought about him saying "When it did hit me, it was like, Oh, I hope he's doing well. And nothing else."
"The first thought that came to my mind was, I'm finally clean. I'd been in this media hailstorm of people having a very misconstrued perception of who I was...There were really insensitive jokes being made at awards shows by hosts; there were snarky headlines in the press—'Taylor Goes Through a Breakup: Well, That Was Swift!'—focusing on all the wrong things." Of course, Taylor didn't blatantly say that this media hailstorm time in her life spawned out of her breakup with her ex-Harry Styles, but we can definitely read between the lines on this.
She compared her life and career to building a house saying that when she makes mistakes she doesn't have regrets about anything and doesn't feel the need to just "burn down the house I built by hand." But she did say that she loves that she CAN make additions to it and re-decorate it as she goes along and now that the latest renovations on her metaphorical house are complete Taylor said "it made me love the house even more—but still keeping the foundation of what I've always been."
So inspirational right? But what do you guys think of the metaphorical house that Taylor has built? Don't you think that the media has been way to harsh on our girls love life? Weigh in what you're thinking in the comments section below and for some tips on how to smooth out that frizzy hair thing you've got going on, click right here for that. Until next time, Im Erin Robinson. See ya soon.
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