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Camila Mendes Details TOUGH Battle With Bulimia & How Rihanna Helped Her

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Camila Mendes is so open about her struggle with bulimia and there’s a very good reason as to why she doesn’t shy away from the subject.
With great celebrity power comes great responsibility and Camila Mendes is very much aware of that – that’s why she’s so open about her struggles with bulimia.
In an interview with SHAPE magazine, Camila got real about why she’s so willing to talk and share personal details about the eating disorder that pretty much consumed her life in high school, college, and when she started working in Hollywood.
Camila said QUOTE, “I realized that I have this platform, and young women and men who look up to me, and there is a tremendous power to do something positive with it. It was definitely a vulnerable thing to put that out there to almost 12 million people on social media. But that’s who I am. That’s me being authentically myself.”
Camila went on to explain her past relationship with food saying QUOTE, “I was so scared of carbs that I wouldn’t let myself eat bread or rice ever. I’d go a week without eating them, then I would binge on them, and that would make me want to purge. If I ate a sweet, I would be like, ‘Oh my God, I’m not going to eat for five hours now.’ I was always punishing myself. I was even anxious about healthy food: Did I eat too much of the avocado? Did I have too many fats for one day? I was consumed with the details of what I was eating, and I always felt as if I was doing something wrong.”
Then about a year ago, Camila decided to meet with a therapist and nutritionist and that helped her out a lot. She said QUOTE, “The voices in my head never completely go away. They’re just way quieter now.”
On top of having a much better relationship with her body, Camila also revealed that seeing other women in Hollywood embrace their own curves helps her out a lot.
Camila said QUOTE, “This body-positivity movement we’re having right now is so amazing, and it’s helping me so much. I’m seeing all these people who I look up to, like Rihanna, open up about their weight fluctuations and loving themselves the way they are. That makes me love myself more too.”
So what did you guys think about Camila being so open with her struggles? Are you glad she’s opening up to help others? And how surprising was it to find out that Rihanna helped Camila love herself more? Let me know all your thoughts on this in the comment section below. Then click right over here to watch another new video and as always, don’t forget to subscribe to our channels. Thanks for hanging with me, I’m your girl Renee Ariel and I’ll see ya next time!
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