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Kim Kardashian Details Her 8 Hour Testimony Against Paris Attackers

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Kim Kardashian is spilling brand new details of her eight-hour testimony in front of a Paris judge on a new teaser for Keeping up With the Kardashians, along with chilling facts about the incident that continue to unfold.
It looks like Kim is officially one step closer to closing such a nightmare chapter in her life. Praise the Kardashian GODS.
Kim K. is finally able to let out a big sigh of relief following her recent trip to New York, where she spent an entire eight hours testifying against her attackers and reliving the events of her Paris robbery in front of a Parisian judge. In a new clip from Sunday’s upcoming episode of the Kardashians, Kim recalls the testimony to Kris Jenner over the phone, saying QUOTE, “It was just a really long thing because you have to explain it to a translator and then the translator has to explain it to the judge. Then, she writes it with the clerk and then they have to read what you wrote. You have to do it sentence by sentence.”
Talk about tedious work… Kim also recalls being so worked up and wanting to explain the scenario so fast, but rather being forced to work through each step slowly in order to gain her entire perspective. But it seems as though the hours paid off, as she then recounts the chilling feeling of seeing photos of the familiar faces of her robbers and hearing their stories. Take a look:
Kim revealed that most of the guys’ stories were very similar to hers, minus a few details, likely to attempt to receive less charges, but she did reveal most of them were very honest and told the story exactly how it happened. But then Kim revealed yet another detail the robbers unveiled that may keep you up a little longer at night…
Yeah, I’ll definitely be double-checking I lock all my doors from here on out… but in another teaser clip, Kim reveals to Kourtney that YES, she will be able to go about her life, but it will always be different. She said QUOTE, “Now I just have to be super aware of everything I do, and who I share it with. I can still live my life, but just on edge.”
But the important thing to get out of all this is that Kim is alive and well and that she and her family are unharmed and finally able to gain a sense of peace. But right now I want to know all your thoughts on the details about Kim’s testimony, so get to talking right down here in the comments, and after that, be sure to click right over here to get the details on Kylie’s recent health scare that had her family and fans worried sick. Thanks for hanging out with me here on Clevver News, I’m your host Ryland Adams and I’ll see you next time.
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