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Selena Gomez and New LOVER Tommaso Chiabra Get Cozy

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Selena Gomez and New LOVER Tommaso Chiabra Get Cozy

Selena and her new rumored beau are getting cozy. More pictures have surfaced from Selena's St Tropez bday yacht excursion and remember that mystery guy she was seen sharing a towel with and straddling on the back of a jet ski? Well there's more to see and we know his name. Tommaso Chiabra is our mystery man and man is he pretty. In the new pics we see multiple shots of Selena leaning back first against Chiabra enveloped his warm tender embrace and another of them holding hands while jumping off the yacht. So is this guy Selena's new man?? With the looks of that body and that body language, I wouldn't knock it as a no. But no need to get crazy with labels, he could just be a friend....with benefits. Either way, it's nice to see Selena having fun with other men other than you know who. What do you guys think of Selena's new friend Tommaso? Even his name is beautiful. Are you shipping these two? Let us know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe to our channel and to educate yourself more on SG, click right over here hear all about 7 things you may or may not know about Selena. Thanks so much for checking in with Clevver News, I'm your host Miriam Isa wishing you a happy hump day.

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