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Justin Bieber Opens Up About Marriage, Faith & Adderall In GQ

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After many years of acting out in public, Justin is now on a much better path, all thanks to the big man upstairs.
In his full GQ interview, the Biebs opened up about his faith and how believing in God helped him clean up his act and be a better person. Justin said QUOTE , “I feel like that’s why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it. I suck by myself… If I was doing this on my own, I would constantly be doing things that are, I mean, I still am doing things that are stupid, but… It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto, and a feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted, and a feeling of being desired, and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human.”
Justin’s relationship with God is probably the number one priority in his life right now, but his relationship with Hailey has to be a close second. When asked if he and Hailey are dating, Justin insinuated that they aren’t exclusively together, but he did say that Hailey is QUOTE “someone I really love. We spend a lot of time together.” And although Justin even said he would LOVE to get married one day, he doesn’t necessarily want to be tied down now.
He told GQ “I don’t want to put anyone in a position where they feel like I’m only theirs, only to be hurt in the end. Right now in my life, I don’t want to be held down by anything. I already have a lot that I have to commit to...I know that in the past I’ve hurt people and said things that I didn’t mean to make them happy in the moment. So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them.” Aw, that’s pretty sweet of him to be considerate of someone else’s feelings.
Justin went on to paint a hypothetical scenario and said “What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s just so hard…I just don’t want to hurt her.” Sounds like Justin doesn’t want the same thing that happened in his relationship with Selena Gomez to happen now and that totally makes sense. Especially since Hailey is someone Justin considers to be his best friend.
Aside from talking about his relationships, Justin also surprisingly sprinkled in a few revealing comments about his Adderall usage. The singer admitted that he takes Adderall -- not because he has ADHD -- it’s because he doesn’t get enough sleep at night. But, he made it very clear that he’s starting to get off of Adderall. He said “I’ve been getting a lot of anxiety, and they think it’s stemming from the Adderall. That’s why I’ve stopped taking it. Or else I wouldn’t stop, because I really enjoy it.” Well, you learn something new about Justin every day! Or in every new interview, same difference.
So, what did you guys think of everything Justin had to say in his GQ interview? Let me know in the comment section below or tweet me your thoughts at @HeyErinRobinson! When you’re done with that, click right over here to check out the best and worst old school rom coms on throwback and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel! Thanks for hanging out with me right here on Clevver News, I’m Erin Robinson and I’ll see ya next time!
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