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Celebs React to Ferguson Decision

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It is a devastating day in Ferguson. A grand jury has found no probable cause for any of the charges against the officer who fatally shot the unarmed teenager Michael Brown. By the way, however you may feel about this case- I encourage you to support your own argument by looking at all the evidence presented in court. Those documents are actually available on-line, which never ever happens but the courts made an exception with this case as they hoped that it would alleviate some of the tension in the aftermath. They were wrong. Residents in Ferguson woke up today to a city that has been looted and burned to the grown. Small business destroyed, many owned by African Americans. Meanwhile, Hollywood is reacting to the grand jury’s decision and the chaos in Ferguson. Kerry Washington tweeted “What’s happening in Ferguson is devastating.” Lena Dunham wrote “Sending love and support to the citizens of Ferguson who are asking for change.” Rihanna uploaded a pic of one of the signs by a protester and she titled it “facts.” Lebron James shed quite a bit of light on his perspective. Along with this drawing of Trayvon martin and Michael Brown in a peaceful embrace Lebron wrote “As a society how do we do better and stop things like this happening time after time!! I'm so sorry to these families. Violence is not the answer people. Retaliation isn't the solution as well. #PrayersUpToTheFamilies #WeHaveToDoBetter.” Katy Perry tweeted about feeling stuck in Sydney Australia and sending her prayers to Ferguson. Missy Elliot, Macklemore, Pharell, so many celebrities lent their thoughts on the subject via social media. Shonda Rhimes, being a writer herself, thought carefully and quoted Martin Luther King’s wise words. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Me- I’m happy to see people exercising their civic rights to protest where they see injustice. I find it heartbreaking that so many people decided to turn this into an excuse to rob from their neighbors and burn their own community down. I encourage you to form your own objective opinion on this case. Arm yourselves with facts and truth, and show respect to anyone whose opinion might conflict your own. Bring empathy and peace first to your own worlds and hopefully then we can take on change on a grander level. I’m Miriam Isa, would love to hear your thoughts so please send me a tweet, @Miriamisa, and for an uplifting video that has already inspired millions of people, check out Prank It Forward. Thanks again for watching this video and for subscribing to Clevver.
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