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Kanye Humbles Himself, Blames Ego in Latest Twitter Rant- Did Kim Get to Him?

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A few days ago, Kanye claimed that he “retook the throne of rap,” but these days, the father of two is rapping to a different tune.
I know what you’re thinking, another day, another Kanye Twitter rant, but this time, it’s a little different. Just three days after Kanye tweeted about doing the impossible and basically said that he’s the best rapper of all time, ‘Ye (yay) is humbling himself and retracting that statement.
Yeezy tweeted on Wednesday morning “Man, I was thinking about when I commented on the idea of “taking the rap throne” … that statement hasn’t been sitting well with me…That’s a dated mentality … I’m not on that … A wise man should be humble enough to admit when he’s wrong and change his mind based on new information…There is so much positive energy right now … Let’s stay on this Ultra Light Beam…”
Kanyeezy went on to promote a rap brotherhood, saying, “every rapper is somebody’s favorite… Some rappers got the club … Some got the radio… some got the conscience…some got the streets… Everybody has something they do the best…", and then he ended his rant by saying QUOTE, “My number one enemy has always been my ego… there is only one throne and that’s God’s …”
There’s no telling what really caused this change in Kanye’s mentality, but it is a possibility that ‘Ye (yay)’s wifey Kim K sat down and talked to her hubby about his recent online behavior. After all, a source did mention to People that Kimmy isn’t a fan of his social media rants and QUOTE “doesn’t approve of Twitter drama.” Well, if there’s anyone who can calm Kanye down and shut all the drama down, it’s definitely Kim.
So, what did you think of Kanye’s NEW HUMBLER rant? Let me know in the comment section below or send me your thoughts on Twitter at @MiriamIsa! When you’re done with that, click right over here for all the times Kanye pulled a Kanye and don’t forget to subscribe to Clevver News. Thanks so much for hanging out with me, I’m Miriam Isa and I’ll see ya next time.
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