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Iggy Azalea Fires Back at Azealia Banks for Racism & Pee Threats!

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Azealia Banks attacks Iggy Azalea for allegedly being racist by… well, stooping to racism, and Iggy responds. Hey guys! Another awesome day here at Clevver where we’re covering the stupid things some celebs say through social media! Today’s culprit is Azealia Banks. Now- a little background. Here are a few facts you should know about the world. A) Racism exists. B) Despite how effed up this is, some racism even exists in police culture. And C) if a cop ever tries to arrest you- no matter what your color is and no matter what their color is- do not resist. Now that that’s out of the way- Iggy Azalea, also known as- that white rapper girl- came under fire this week by Azealia Banks who accused Iggy of not doing enough to support equality for blacks. “its funny to see people Like Igloo Australia silent when these things happen... Black Culture is cool, but black issues sure aren't huh?” ” If you're down to ride with us bitch you gotta RIDE ALL THE WAY.” Then she got more explicit. “LOL… IM PETTY, but its so true, ugh, that wannabe black girl sh– makes me wanna throw a jar of my piss at her LMFAOOOO. Like, fill a jar with piss and mayo and eggs and just dump that sh– on that bitch’s head LMFAOOOOOOO.” Then she criticized the media- i.e. people like me- for QUOTE “trying to move igloo in on what Nicki has established…. stop trying to degrade and BELITTLE Our culture with this f–king kkk iggy sh–.” I had no idea that enjoying iggy’s music was equal to belittling black culture and supporting the Ku Klutz Klan. More perplexing, I also don’t understand why anyone would want to mix their urine with mayo and eggs- which is repetitive because mayo already HAS eggs IN it- and then mix that in a jar and dump it on someone. If you’re going to use imagery to inspire social consciousness and racial justice- maybe try saying things that are inspiring. Not sure Martin Luther King’s message would have been as effective if he’d said, I have a dream that someday my piss and a cup full of mayo will be mixed and poured over the heads of white people everywhere. Gotta admit it’s funny. It’s also horrible. Anyway, Azealia ended her tirade dissing yet another artist: “I DARE THAT SHOE-SHINING COON T.I TO SAY SOMETHING.” Right, because the fact that T.I. supports peace between white Iggy and black Snoop means that he’s a shoe shinning coon. By that logic then all people that promote peace between blacks and whites are coons. I’m a coon. Bill Clinton’s a coon. Martin Luther King- King of Coons! Anyway- Iggy saw what was happening on twitter and tweeted this: “I see all hell broke loose while I was at rehearsals today.” Then she took a few hours and returned with a classy, thought-out response. (That coon!) “Theres more to sparking a change than trolling on social media. World issues shouldnt be used as a poor excuse to promote fan battles.” “Make sure you do something to let YOUR government know how you feel when something is unjust., not JUST your followers on twitter...” Which she followed up with this link on things we could all do to help Michael Brown’s family. Which sadly was the least re-tweeted of all her tweets on the matter. Iggy has to put up with racist digs by Azealia Banks and others, and rape threats by Eminem. I do not envy her. Now what say you on the subject? As heated as yall might feel- I encourage you to NOT diss each other in the comments section. Let’s have this be the one video in all of youtube where all people respect each other even if they don’t agree. That’s a world worth fighting for. I’m Miriam Isa, tweet me @Miriamisa @clevvernews, and for all the people who’ve ever dissed Iggy. And as us, thanks for subscribing to clever news.
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